
my handle is a reference to the metacrisis doctor aka tentoo

Life long & hard core Stitch fan since '02


Hi my name is Met. You can call me Met or M.J. I am a 30 year old asexual Irish/Australian artist & writer with ambitions to publish a novel and/or comic one day. I am here to have fun and share my art so I hope you enjoy my content! Some of the content I post you may not like and that's okay, I hope you find something you enjoy. I've learned not to care about what others think of me, so if you choose to block me or be bothered by anything I retweet or like then that's entirely on you!

I love to draw both fanart and OC's so you'll find a mixture of everything here. I try to be diverse with fandoms, and while I am always open to new fandoms some I can click with but others I straight up don't.

I suffer from Severe Anxiety Disorder and other health problems that cause extreme/chronic pain, Trigeminal Neuralgia being one, so I might not be up to chatting or interacting all the time and this includes not answering to messages or comments. I am uncomfortable with random messages with people sharing art with me like they know me, so please don't do that. Most days my energy reserves are low due to Iron Deficiency Anaemia.

Stitch is very special to me - he helped me through dark times and hardships in my life so you will find a lot of my work revolves around the Lilo and Stitch franchise or my OC M.J. and I tend to hyper-fixate heavily on this.

Fandoms & Interests

  • Lilo and Stitch (primary)

  • Doctor Who

  • Invader Zim (ZADR focused)

  • Astro Boy (1980 + 2003)

  • Gravity Falls

  • She-Ra and the Princesses of Power

  • Steven Universe

  • Oddworld

  • Mewtwo

  • The Powerpuff Girls (1998)

  • Artwork and writing

  • Music

  • Playing Piano/Drums/Violin

  • Russian & Japanese

  • Gaming

  • Role playing (friends only)

  • Collecting merchandise

  • 90's asthetics & cartoons

  • Dogs

  • Travelling

  • Tattoos

  • My OC's

Just so you know I ship the following

DoctorxRose (inc. Tentoo)

Some of these are comfort ships and/or coping mechanisms for me and mean a lot to me, so if you are uncomfortable with any of these ships or content that is outside of the canon of a franchise, you are welcome to unfollow or not interact with me. I will not change who I am or what I like/ship becuse you have an issue with it.

I know DNI's can be offputting and make people seem like asses, but for my own personal boundaries please do not talk or associate with me if the following applies to you:

♡ You are an anti that harasses, doxes, bullies, sends death threats or starts hate campaigns because you think fictional characters deserve rights and are more important than living people.

♡ You think it's okay to police others on what they enjoy - aka fanpol or "Fandom Police".

♡ You believe aging up characters is wrong or you have that stupid shit take that aging up fictional characters means you're 'sexualising minors' even if they grow up in canon.

♡ You are against/opposed to literally anything that exists (aka "Fun Police") that has the slightest bit of problematic content. Etc - 'Don't follow me if you like Steven Universe or South Park' or 'if you ship/support this then don't come near me'. This is a disgusting and childish attitude and you need to grow up and realise the world doesn't revolve around you just because you hate something.


Hokukai namaka

🌟 The Star of the Sea 🌟

Hokukai Namaka13FemaleHumanPolynesian

Growing up an orphan after her parents and sister were killed in a tragic accident, she's bounced back and forth between foster family after foster family, never once feeling she truly belonged or was understood by any of them. She grew resentful of her foster parents, time after time again landing with families that only seemed to take in children and push them out again for the sake of it. Hokukai never had time to adjust and was often a target for bullying being so different to other children.

Growing alone meant she could only look out for number one - herself. To cope with the loss of her entire family, she strongly absorbed herself into Elvis, his music inspiring her and giving her the strength she needed to carry on.

Meeting Mokushi and Jumba was a life-changer for her; a chance encounter being the very thing she needed to leave her previous life behind. Now she resides with the alien fugitives permanently being her final 'foster family' - one that is literally out of this world!

Much like Mokushi, she's a troubled soul. Her upbringing has a lot to do with how she is as a person and she tends to shut away from the outside world. While she does find peace in Elvis, there are time she just prefers to sit back and listen to the sounds of the ocean. She feels deeply connected with the sea, her name reflecting so. Being under the ocean brings her the most joy, where she can temporarily escape reality into a different world.

Hokukai may be softly spoken, but she has a fighting spirit not to be reckoned with. She will put up a good fight if she has to.

Mokushi-Jiro Jookiba

☄️ The Blue Galactic Fugitive ☄️

Mokushi-Jiro JookibaN/AMaleAlienKweltikwan

Mokushi-Jiro Jookiba is a troubled soul. A wanted terrorist with a track record of planetary destruction and mass murder, the alien is constantly tormented by his past - a past of which was forced upon him. The alien wants nothing more to be left alone, getting lost in his daydreams. He presents himself to be tough however it is mostly a ruse. He causes destruction and trouble, but sometimes he doesn't mean to. That's just how he is. He just wants to be understood above all. Often lost in music, Mokushi takes his time to wonder about the world he's currently living on - Earth. He cannot understand humans - yet he tries so hard to act like them.

Trying to be something he's not comes a coping mechanism to him; he wants nothing more than to forget his past.

Mokushi isn't just your average Stitch. His genetic ties to Jumba run skin deep and despite him looking nothing like his father appearance-wise, his framework is an obvious hint of his heritage with him being fatter than your average Stitch. He is proud of who he is. Thick skinned, he can let insults slide, but that does not mean he is entirely immune to them. He prefers to wear clothes in a dismal attempt to fit in because he knows he never will belong. He feels even Jumba cannot understand him sometimes despite knowing him inside out.

He loathes liars and fakeness and feels little remorse for those that set out to hurt others. When somebody he cares deeply about is threatened, he will not hesitate to hurt or even kill. His features are deadly with his back spines containing a poison lethal enough to make other creatures explode. Despite always keeping out two of his retractable features at a time, he does constantly worry about hurting those he loves.

Mokushi is loyal, but it might take a lot of work to get underneath his fortress.

Rhyss-Taylor Sakaki

Rhyss-Taylor Sakaki30MalePokémon

My first OC to ever be created, he is primarily an RP character and a type of extended persona/self-insert. He is a Mewtwo that differs from the original with his own personality shaped around his upbringing. His backstory is much darker than the original Mewtwo's and he is viewed as a celebrity in his alternate Pokémon universe. He differs also in that he has the ability to disguise himself in a human form after inheriting the ability Transform from his mother, Mew.

Depending on the scenario I play him in he either has a companion that is a roommate, a co-worker or simply a good/best friend. Other times he may have a family that includes a daughter and S/O.

I will often commission him above any other character I have created as he is my most beloved OC.

He enjoys doing magic on the side of a relatively boring job he does to try and fit in with the human world as much as he can (department store salesperson) and uses his psychic powers to create illusions.

Rhyss is also in a ship with Sam, a character developed by @fridaycorvids (Twitter)

Calixto M. Baros

Calixto (Xito) M. Baros24MaleHuman

Calixto is a rare psychic, born to mother Yulia Baros and father Eryk Baros in the late 1940's and of European decent. His telekinetic abilities enabled him to spare the lives of his parents when their home was attacked during a raid, however he was quickly discovered by Agent 44 (A44 for short), a top government spy organization set out to ensure the capture of 'special' children to use and train them as military weapons. A44 specializes in consolidating special childrens skills and abilities at the cost of exploitation. Calixto's abilities attracted their attention with him being by far the most powerful psychic born in that era. His parents did their best to protect him, but were both killed in the process and Calixto was captured for a year before finally figuring out how use his psychic abilities to escape, just barely making it out alive. Since that incident, Calixto devoted his life to destroying A44, freeing kidnapped children and reuniting them with their parents after many years. He knows what it is like to have had loving parents and most of the children captured were only infants when ripped from their families, growing up only knowing how to be used in experiments and led to believe their parents never wanted them or were dead.

His multicoloured eyes are the result of an experiment carried out by A44. Not only did he develop heterochromia as a result, this experiment also unlocked an ability in him which enabled him to contact the spirit world. With their help and his abilities, he has been successful in slowing destroying Agent 44 inside out.

Alastor Astaroth Furcas

Alastor Astaroth FurcasN/AMaleDemon

Alastor is the youngest sibling of a family of demons that patrol Hell for intruders. The intruders infiltrate the Underworld and steal ideas/templates to use Demon technology to benefit their own cause.

Unfortunately Alastor lives in the midst of a raging war between PureBloods (Angels) and Demons so often he seeks shelter in the human world, hiding his identity. He meets a human girl and hides who he is, however his past is always one step behind him and with suspicions growing about his strange behaviour on Earth, it's a chore for him protect his secret.

His twin brother Alucard wants to overthrow their father to control Demon-kind for his own pleasure and Alastor is the only child in the family aware of his brothers sinister intentions so he must either get the help he needs from the humans he associates with, or potentially lose his family and life to the war down below in the Underworld.